High School Placement Test Registration
St. Maria Goretti Catholic High School Placement Test
St. Maria Goretti Catholic High School will be hosting the High School Placement Test (HSPT) on Saturday May 18th, from 9am to 12pm. Doors will open at 8:30am for students.
To register please click on the following link and use the access code ZG
Important Information Regarding the HSPT
Location - St. Maria Goretti Catholic High School
Time - 9:00am - 12:00pm (Doors Open at 8:30am)
Registration - Registration is preferred, walk-ins are welcome
Access Code to Register at St. Maria Goretti Catholic High School - ZG
Frequently Asked Questions about the High School Placement Test
What is the High School Placement Test?
The High School Placement Test is a standardized, timed test required of every 8th grader applying to attend a Catholic high school in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. It contains five sections that measure verbal ability, quantitative ability, reading comprehension, mathematics, and components of written language. These questions are designed to test students at their curriculum level.
How is this test used in the High School Admissions Process?
This assessment tool is used by high schools for admissions, scholarship selection, and of course placement. Each high school has its own guidelines for evaluating applicants for admission, including performance on the HSPT. To learn more about the Admissions process at St. Maria Goretti Catholic High School, please visit our Admissions Page.
Are accommodations available for students with a service plan, IEP, or a recent evaluation?
Yes, every testing site offers extended time to students with a documented need. Other accommodations vary according to the testing site. When registering for the HSPT, there will be a yes or no question asking whether a student needs accommodations.